Welcome to the Official Gerard Manley Hopkins Website. Our purpose is to serve the needs of students, scholars, and Hopkins enthusiasts, especially those who for a long time have loved this poet and his works. This site will connect you with all sorts of needed information including 37 of Hopkins’s poems with study guides, biographical information about the poet, news about conferences and books, and a wealth of multimedia resources. Additionally, this website fosters ongoing conversation about a poet and poems we all cherish.

Latest News


The start of meteorological fall is the perfect time to announce the release of an exciting new book The Frugal Chariot: Readers, Reading, and the Case of Hopkins by Francis L. Fennell. If you love poetry and Hopkins, this book is about you and for you [continue]

Hopkins Blog

The major upgrade to our Hopkins blogsite which have been promising is now complete! We urge you to read the latest post, which you can do by clicking https://hopkinspoetry.com/the-hopkins-blog/. And don’t forget that blog posts invite–encourage–comments from readers.
